Doctoral Universities

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2022 Undergraduate Tuition
1.07% growth from 2021
2022 Acceptance Rate
7,844,539 Applicants
2022 Enrolled Students
77.4% Full-Time
2022 Graduation Rate
588,672 Graduates


Doctoral Universities is a Carnegie Classification grouping of higher education institutions. In 2022, the most popular Bachelor's Degree concentrations at Doctoral Universities were General Business Administration & Management (109,029 degrees awarded), Registered Nursing (69,607 degrees), and General Psychology (63,317 degrees).

In 2022, 1,918,328 degrees were awarded across all undergraduate and graduate programs at Doctoral Universities. 57.7% of these degrees were awarded to women, and 42.3% awarded men. The most common race/ethnicity group of degree recipients was white (975,022 degrees), 3.71 times more than then the next closest race/ethnicity group, hispanic or latino (262,760 degrees).

The median undergraduate tuition at Doctoral Universities is $11,564, which is $1,008 more than than the national median of $10,556. The cost of out-of-state tuition is $30,150, which is 261% of the cost for in-state students, and is $15,217 more than than the national median $14,933.


The median in-state tuition for Doctoral Universities is $11,564, which is $884 more than than the national median in-state tuition of $10,680. The cost of out-of-state tuition is $30,150, which is 261% of the cost for in-state students, and is $15,217 more than than the national median out-of-state tuition of $14,933.

Tuition Costs

2022 Undergraduate Tuition

In 2022, the cost of out-of-state tuition at Doctoral Universities was $30,150, which is 261% of the cost for in-state students, which was $11,564. The cost of out-of-state tuition at Doctoral Universities is $15,217 more than than the overall (public and private) national median of $14,933, and the in-state tuition is $884 more than than the overall (public and private) national median $10,680.

This chart compares the tuition costs of Doctoral Universities (in red) with those of other similar universities.

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Other Student Expenses

Room and Board
Books and Supplies

The average yearly cost of room and board at Doctoral Universities was of $12,070 in 2022. The cost of room and board increased by 2.68% between 2021 and 2022.

During the same period, the average yearly cost of books and supplies was $1,200. The cost of books and supplies did not change during the same period.

This chart compares the average student costs at Doctoral Universities (in red) with that of similar universities.

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Doctoral Universities received 7,844,539 undergraduate applications in 2022, which represents a 7.17% annual growth. Out of those 7,844,539 applicants, 4,014,509 students were accepted for enrollment, representing a 51.2% acceptance rate.

There were 6,737,214 students enrolled at Doctoral Universities in 2022. 31.2% of first-time enrollees submitted SAT scores with their applications.

Doctoral Universities has an overall enrollment yield of 23.2%, which represents the number of admitted students who ended up enrolling.

Acceptance Rate

Acceptance Rate in 2022
Accepted Out of 7,844,539

In 2022, the undergraduate acceptance rate of Doctoral Universities was 51.2% (4,014,509 admissions from 7,844,539 applications). This is lower than the acceptance rate of 2021, which was 53.5%. Between 2021 and 2022, the number of applicants grew by 7.17%, while admissions grew by 2.47%..

This chart compares the acceptance rate of Doctoral Universities (in red) with that of other similar universities, and the chart below shows the acceptance rate by gender.

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SAT Scores

Submission Percentage (2022)
Scores Submitted (2022)

31.2% of enrolled first-time students at Doctoral Universities in 2022 submitted SAT scores with their applications.

The following chart shows the average SAT scores for the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentile of applicants for each section of the test that they are evaluated on.

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Doctoral Universities had a total enrollment of 6,737,214 students in 2022. The full-time enrollment at Doctoral Universities is 5,216,217 students and the part-time enrollment is 1,520,997. This means that 77.4% of students enrolled at Doctoral Universities are enrolled full-time.


Full-Time vs Part-Time Enrollment

Full-Time Enrollment

The total enrollment at Doctoral Universities, both undergraduate and graduate, is 6,737,214 students. The full-time enrollment at Doctoral Universities is 5,216,217 and the part-time enrollment is 1,520,997. This means that 77.4% of students enrolled at Doctoral Universities are enrolled full-time.

This chart shows the full-time vs part-time enrollment status at Doctoral Universities (in red) compares to similar universities.

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Retention Rate over Time

2022 Retention Rate

Retention rate measures the number of first-time students who began their studies the previous fall and returned to school the following fall. The retention rate for full-time undergraduates at Doctoral Universities was 84%. Compared with the full-time retention rate at similar N/A (N/A%), Doctoral Universities had a retention rate N/A its peers.

This chart shows the retention rate over time at Doctoral Universities (highlighted in red) compares to similar universities.

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In 2022, 296,420 more women than men received degrees from Doctoral Universities. The most common race/ethnicity group of degree recipients at Doctoral Universities is white (975,022 degrees awarded). There were 3.71 times more white recipients than the next closest race/ethnicity group, hispanic or latino (262760 degrees).

The most common Bachelor's Degree concentration at Doctoral Universities is General Psychology (58,030 degrees awarded), followed by Registered Nursing (55,424 degrees) and General Business Administration & Management (51,698 degrees).

In 2022,  the most specialized majors across all degree types at Doctoral Universities, meaning they have significantly more degrees awarded in that concentration than the national average across all institutions, are Engineering (155,568 degrees awarded), Math & Statistics (34,822 degrees), and Legal (42,899 degrees).

Common Jobs by Major

Most Common Job

The most common jobs for people who hold a degree in one of the 5 most specialized majors at Doctoral Universities are Software developers (535,847 people), Physicians (486,313 people), Other managers (466,446 people), Miscellaneous engineers, including nuclear engineers (376,371 people), and Postsecondary teachers (302,804 people).

The most specialized majors at Doctoral Universities in 2022 are Engineering (155,568 degrees awarded), Math & Statistics (34,822 degrees), Legal (42,899 degrees), Physical Sciences (31,200 degrees), and Biology (113,325 degrees) (as of 2022).

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Highest Paying Jobs by Major

Highest Paying Job

The highest paying jobs for people who hold a degree in one of the 5 most specialized majors at Doctoral Universities are Podiatrists, Surgeons, Physicians, Securities, commodities, & financial services sales agents, and Chief executives & legislators

The most specialized majors at Doctoral Universities are Engineering (155,568 degrees awarded), Math & Statistics (34,822 degrees), Legal (42,899 degrees), Physical Sciences (31,200 degrees), and Biology (113,325 degrees) (as of 2022).

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Common Industries by Major

The most common industries for people who hold a degree in one of the 5 most specialized majors at Doctoral Universities are Colleges, universities & professional schools, including junior colleges (599,684 people), Computer Systems Design (595,855 people), General medical and surgical hospitals, and specialty (except psychiatric and substance abuse) hospitals (586,455 people), Architectural, engineering & related services (488,330 people), and Elementary & secondary schools (357,488 people).

The most specialized majors at Doctoral Universities are Engineering (155,568 degrees awarded), Math & Statistics (34,822 degrees), Legal (42,899 degrees), Physical Sciences (31,200 degrees), and Biology (113,325 degrees) (as of 2022).

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Majors Awarded

IPEDS uses the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) standard, so the categories may not match the exact concentrations offered by Doctoral Universities.
Most Common (2022)
  1. 58,030 degrees awarded
  2. 55,424 degrees awarded
  3. 51,698 degrees awarded

In 2022, the most common bachelors degree concentration at Doctoral Universities was General Psychology with 58,030 degrees awarded.

This visualization illustrates the percentage of degree-majors recipients from bachelors degree programs at Doctoral Universities according to their major.

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Sex Breakdown for Common Majors

Degrees Awarded to Men
in 2022
Degrees Awarded to Women
in 2022

In 2022, 810,954 degrees were awarded to men at Doctoral Universities, which is 0.732 times less than the number of degrees awarded to females (1,107,374).

This chart displays the sex disparity between the top 5 majors at Doctoral Universities by degrees awarded.

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Most Common Male Majors

In 2022, 57752 degrees were awarded to men at Doctoral Universities in General Business Administration & Management, which is 1.13 times more than the 51277 female recipients with that same degree.

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Most Common Female Majors

In 2022, 60497 degrees were awarded to men at Doctoral Universities in Registered Nursing, which is 6.64 times more than the 9110 male recipients with that same degree.

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Time to Complete

100% Completion Time
150% Completion Time

In 2022, 47% of students graduating from Doctoral Universities completed their program within 100% "normal time" (i.e. 4 years for a 4-year degree). Comparatively, 67% completed their degrees within 150% of the normal time, and 69% within 200%.

The following chart shows these completion rates over time compared to the average for the N/A Carnegie Classification group.

Graduation rate is defined as the percentage of full-time, first-time students who received a degree or award within a specific percentage of "normal time" to completion for their program.

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Graduation Rate by Race and Sex

Showing demographic groups with ≥ 5 graduating students.
Asian Female
Highest Graduation Rate (85.1%)

The student demographic with the highest graduation rate in 2022 at Doctoral Universities is Female and Asian (85.1% graduation rate). Across all N/A, Asian Female students have the highest graduation rate (73.2%).

The department of education defines graduation rate as the percentage of full-time, first-time students who received a degree or award within 150% of "normal time" to completion.

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) categorizes any student who is studying in the United States on a temporary basis as a "Non-Resident Alien", and the graduation rate of those students is shown in the chart below. Additionally, 1.92% of graduates (11307 students) did not report their race.

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Race & Ethnicity by Share

Most Common Student Race or Ethnicity (2022)
  1. White
    975,022 degrees awarded
  2. Hispanic or Latino
    262,760 degrees awarded
  3. Asian
    177,356 degrees awarded

The most common race/ethnicity at Doctoral Universities is white (975,022 degrees awarded). There were 3.71 times more white recipients than the next closest race/ethnicity group, hispanic or latino (262760 degrees).

3.64% of degree recipients (69,741 students) did not report their race.

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Doctoral Universities has an endowment valued at nearly $373M, as of the end of the 2022 fiscal year.

In 2022, Doctoral Universities had a total salary expenditure of 592M. Doctoral Universities employs 89,614 Professors, 70,478 Associate professors and 63,204 Assistant professors. Most academics at Doctoral Universities are Male Professor (60,673), Male Associate professor (38,500), and Female Assistant professor (33,155).

The most common positions for non-instructional staff at Doctoral Universities are: Business and Financial Operations, with 125,031 employees, Computer, Engineering, and Science, with 122,859 employees, and Office and Administrative Support with 122,510 employees.


2022 Endowment
decline from 2021

Doctoral Universities have a median endowment valued at about $373M, as of the end of the 2022 fiscal year. The endowment of Doctoral Universities declined 3.79% from the previous year.

This line chart shows how the endowment at Doctoral Universities (in red) compares to that of some similar universities.

The small bar chart below shows the endowment quintiles for all universities in the Doctoral Universities Carnegie Classification grouping.

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Government Grants and Contracts

Grants & Contracts
  1. $52.2B - Federal
  2. $5.39B - State
  3. $984M - Local

As of 2022, Doctoral Universities received $52.2B in grants and contracts from the federal government, $5.39B from state grants and contracts, and $984M from local grants and contracts.

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Salary Expenditure

2022 Salaries
growth from 2021

In 2022, Doctoral Universities paid a median of $246M in salaries, which represents 41.5% of their overall expenditure ($592M) and a 4.82% growth from the previous year.

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Instructional Salaries

Instructional Salaries
Number of Employees

In 2022, Doctoral Universities paid a total of $33.4B to 281,585 employees working as instructors, which represents 18.1% of all salaries paid.

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Occupations by Share

Most Common Instructor
89,614 Employees
Business and Financial Operations
Most Common Non-Instructional Employee
125,031 Employees

In 2022, the most common positions for instructional staff at Doctoral Universities were Professor with 89,614 employees, Associate professor with 70,478 employees, and Assistant professor with 63,204 employees.

In 2022, the most common positions for non-instructional staff at Doctoral Universities were Business and Financial Operations with 125,031 employees, Computer, Engineering, and Science with 122,859 employees, and Office and Administrative Support with 122,510 employees.

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Instructors by Academic Rank and Sex

Most Common Demographic (2022)
  1. Male Professor
  2. Male Associate professor
  3. Female Assistant professor

In 2022, the most common demographic for instructional staff at Doctoral Universities was Male Professor with 60,673 employees, Male Associate professor with 38,500 employees, and Female Assistant professor with 33,155 employees.

This chart shows the sex split between each academic rank present at Doctoral Universities.

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